Friday, November 7, 2008

I've know this for 8 years, but it was announced today that science now suspects that the brains of bullies are physically different from the brains of 'normal' people. Their brains' pleasure centers are stimulated by witnessing the pain of other people. They enjoy causing people pain, distress, anger - all the emotions we consider negative.

So far there is nothing that can be done medically to correct their twisted gray matter. And nine times out of ten, their families back them up 100%. I saw it with my neighbor and his family. Any relative would defend him to the death. He was a good boy, he never lied.

In the meantime, the rest of us have to endure, run away from, agree with - do whatever we can to tolerate them in free society. And that costs money - lots of money. While we bear the cost of court fees, moving, repairing, mourning the loss of pets that they kill, treatment for post traumatic stress disorder, whatever - they sit there and take pleasure in it.

There is something very wrong about this picture and the sooner the judicial system - especially Fresno's - takes this into their own gray matter, the better.